You can use the following American Urological Association (AUA) BPH Symptom Score Index to evaluate your enlarged prostate symptoms. Simply click the most accurate answer for each question. Your total score is calculated after you click the submit button, and you can use it to help determine the severity of your symptoms.

Scoring Key: 0 Indicates not at all; 1 Indicates less than 1 in 5; 2 Indicates less than half the time; 3 Indicates about half the time; 4 Indicates more than half the time; 5 Indicates almost always.

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Your doctor evaluates your symptoms by “scoring” your answers to a standard set of questions, called a Symptom Score Index. Your score will be between 0 and 35 points. Finding out whether your symptoms are mild (0 to 7), moderate (8 to 19), or severe (20 to 35) will help your doctor determine the best treatment for you.


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